What Time Should You Eat?

We’re all on different schedules and have different body clocks, and our
hunger kicks in at different times. If you’re someone for whom the
(lunch) bell doesn’t toll until 1:30 p.m. or who likes to dine after 9
p.m. like the Spaniards, is that a problem?
There is no right
answer for everyone and no real schedule for when you should eat. What’s
more important is knowing your body. “We don’t rely on our own body
cues enough,” says New York University clinical associate professor of
nutrition and food studies Lisa Sasson. “Be more in tune with your body.
If you’re not hungry, don’t eat.”
What Sasson considers more important than what time you eat is what’s on
your plate (or in your bowl). “To wake up and have a Coke and a
doughnut is not going to do anything positive,” says Sasson. Instead she
emphasizes that the meals you eat should be a balance of carbohydrates,
proteins and fat. “If you have a piece of toast, an egg, and an orange,
that will be more satisfying than a fruit shake,” says Sasson. “When
you have a mixed meal it modulates [blood sugar] so the sugar is
maintained and so you don’t have this drop, which gets you hungry.”
Bottom line: A balanced meal will help stabilize glucose levels and
eliminate that feeling of crashing.
Though we all have been reminded that breakfast is the most-important
meal of the day, Sasson recognizes some people are not morning people.
“I would never tell anyone not to have breakfast,” she says, “but
someone may have a cup of coffee and then not eat breakfast until 11
a.m.” If you suddenly feel hungry soon after you ate your morning meal, that breakfast didn’t satisfy your needs. “If you have an apple for
breakfast, that may not do it,” she says. “Having an apple with nuts
will satisfy you longer, because nuts have proteins.” Sasson advises
paying close attention to your body’s cues throughout the day. Look at
the sugar levels in your foods, as they are usually the culprit for the
highs and lows. “They cause a peak in blood sugar and then a plummet,”
she says. “You want to modulate your blood sugar by eating healthfully.”
Eating oatmeal for breakfast or a
veggie soup like
split pea
paired with whole-wheat crackers at lunch are good examples. “Beans are
great,” notes Sasson, “as they are soluble fiber, which especially
modulates blood glucose levels.”
When and what you eat depends on each individual — both what was
consumed and the person’s activity levels. “For most of us, with the
exception of serious athletes, late-night snacking is a danger zone,”
says Sasson. “Metabolism is all about calories, and it’s the amount of
calories you consume.“ Therefore, those little snacks you sneak in after
dinner can add extra calories to your day. Instead, opt for a healthy
dessert like
Peanut Butter Mousse or
Fresh Fruit and Mint Salad and call it a night. “Before you go to sleep your body should be in a fasting state,” says Sasson.
If you do wake up starving, it may be time to examine your eating
schedule. Or if you have no desire to eat breakfast, that could mean you
overate the night before. Sasson suggests eating less at night and
focusing on how that change impacts the way you feel the next morning.
“Usually people feel better,” she says. If changing when and what you
eat doesn’t change hunger levels, it could be a sign of a bigger
problem. Hunger, fatigue and problems with urination are some of the
first signs of diabetes, explains Sasson. She urges anyone who is
experiencing those symptoms to make an appointment with their doctor..
If there is a time of day to watch out, for it’s 4 o’clock. “That’s when
I tell people to eat something. If you ignore it then, you’ll be
famished by dinner,” says Sasson. If you’re stuck at work, don’t go for
the snack machine. “Bring something to work,” she suggests. “Crackers
and cheese, fruit and nuts, yogurt,
or popcorn — anything non-perishable.” Giving yourself a boost in the
afternoon won’t add more calories to your daily total; it actually may
take some away. “It really helps to eat [at 4 p.m.] because you will
make healthier choices at dinner. If you’re starving, you’ll eat the
first thing you see,” says Sasson.