maandag 23 mei 2016

20160519 - brexit ??

EU referendum: 

Brexit 'would spark year-long recession'

Leaving the European Union would tip the UK into a year-long recession, with up to 820,000 jobs lost within two years, Chancellor George Osborne says.
Publishing Treasury analysis, he said a Leave vote would cause an "immediate and profound" economic shock, with growth between 3% and 6% lower.
David Cameron said it was the "self-destruct option" for the country.
But Boris Johnson dismissed the study as "more propaganda" from the Remain side which he claimed was "rattled".
Former Chancellor Lord Lawson accused the government of trying to "scare the pants" off voters while Brexit-supporting economist Patrick Minford said the assessment ignored all the "upsides" from leaving, including the money saved from not being a member of the Common Agricultural Policy and not having to abide by EU regulation.

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