woensdag 22 juni 2016

20160612 - statins

Statins 'may be a waste of time': 

Controversial report claims there's NO link between 'bad cholesterol' and heart disease

  • For decades doctors have prescribed statins to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes caused by ‘bad’ cholesterol in the blood
  • But now a team of scientists say taking the pills may be a waste of time 
  • They found no link between high LDL cholesterol and heart disease

For years doctors have prescribed statins to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes caused by ‘bad’ cholesterol in the blood.
But now a team of scientists say taking the pills may be a waste of time for the over-60s – because they found no link between high levels of LDL cholesterol and heart disease. 
In fact, this ‘bad’ cholesterol may even have a protective effect by warding off infections and disease, including cancer.
Academics and cardiologists from 17 countries reviewed 19 previous studies, involving 68,000 people. 


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